Saying What Your Customers Can’t

Saying what your customers can't

If I told you one particular book sells almost 300,000 copies every single year, what would you guess actually drives those phenomenal yearly sales? Want a few hints?

  1. It’s not a how-to, Chicken Soup, or For-Dummies book
  2. The vast majority of those 300,000 copies are sold in the spring

Give up? The book is Dr. Seuss’s Oh, The Places You’ll Go – an incredibly popular gift for graduates.
That book manages to powerfully telecommunicate what hundreds of thousands of parents and relatives all want to say but can’t quite seem to say nearly as well as the good Doctor.  And because he has so graciously supplied them with the means of saying it, Dr. Seuss continues to sell huge amounts of books spring, after spring, after spring — for as long as there are proud parents of new graduates needing to hear the message.

The question for you, dear Business Owner, is what are you helping people say?

  • What are you helping them say about themselves?
  • What are you helping them say to others?

Because not quite knowing how to say what’s on your heart is something we all suffer from - and something most of us will gladly pay for relief from.

Are you willing to harness the same profit engine that Dr. Seuss has used to sell millions upon millions of copies of Oh, The Places You’ll Go?  This brilliant radio ad by Wizard of Ads partner Adam Don­moyer represents a perfect example of how to harness this power to drive sales: Daddy’s Lit­tle Girl

That ad sold more watches that Fathers’ Day than that jewellery store has ever sold on any day, ever. All because they helped plenty of daughters say what they really wanted to say, but weren't quite able to give voice to on their own.

What are you help­ing your cus­tomers say?
This weeks newsletter was written by my brilliant partner Jeff Sexton.

Morty Silber, CEO

Mad Strategies Inc.
a Wizard of Ads Partner

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