Believe everything you're told?

Even skeptics believe everything they’re told. We all do, actually.

At least, we believe it long enough to understand the message.  Apparently, we’re wired that way.

Since our brains have no neutral parking wherein we can “hold” an idea pending evaluation, we’re forced to believe first and then evaluate.  Or so says research by the eminent Harvard psychologist, Daniel Gilbert.

All of which is hardly news to (but certainly explains the actions of) politicians using push-polling to sway voter opinions.

So what does this have to do with writing?

Check out how CD Baby puts this psychological dynamic to good use:

Photo Courtesy of Kem Meyer

Clearly, nobody actually believes the things said in this letter, nor are they expected to, as the claims are all made tongue in cheek.

But the very positive mental images were all vividly played out in your mind anyway, weren’t they?  We all accepted the propositions as true for whatever fraction of a second it took to understand and imagine them.

And doesn’t the afterglow of those images still lighten your smile?

Now think of this: those cheery images have now attached themselves to the name “CD Baby” within your mind. Recall the name, and you’ll likely recall these same images and feelings.  And however irrational it might be, you’re now more likely to assume this company has higher quality and customer service standards because of this letter.

While most of us like to scoff at “cheesy” Jolly Green Giant-type commercials, when properly executed, the silly, personality-driven aspects of those commercials can still work their magic, even among the cynical.

Just something to keep in mind.

This article was written by my brilliant partner, Jeff Sexton.

Morty Silber, CEO

Mad Strategies Inc.
a Wizard of Ads Partner

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